Dutch State Secretary praises Eosta and Save Our Soils

Dutch State Secretary Sharon Dijksma has expressed her appreciation for Eosta's transparency system Nature & More and for the Save Our Soils campaign which was initiated by Eosta. She did so in live speeches at BioFach, Nürnberg and in a letter to the Dutch parliament.  


Sharon Dijksma gave a speech at BioFach, the biggest organic trade fair in the world, stating: "Eosta shows consumers where tropical fruits come from. What's the story behind the mango's of Zongo Adama from Burkina Faso, or the mandarins from Adolfo in Peru? (...) A growing and innovative organic market cannot do without import and export."


Dijksma also revealed the logo of the Save Our Soils campaign at BioFach and discussed the topic of soils with Volkert Engelsman, CEO of Eosta and initiator of the Save Our Soils campaign.


In a letter to the Dutch Parliament of January 20th, 2015, Dijksma explained to the parliament what the International Year of Soils is about. She states that the loss of soils is a major  international threat to food security. Furthermore she mentions Save our Soils and the international conference that will be held from June 26-29 this year, together with Earth Charter: Celebrating Soil! Celebrating Life!


The main message of Save Our Soils is that consumers can help to save soils, by choosing organic agriculture. On a personal note, Dijksma commented at BioFach: "We eat organic at home too, especially now that we have kids growing up.”


The international campaign Save Our Soils, initiated by Nature & More, is supported by the FAO and counts more than 120 partners. In 2015 Eosta celebrates its 25th anniversary. 

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